Expiring Links ⏱️, Blank Canvas 🎨 and Inserted Image Borders 🖼️
Here are the latest features we have released:
- Create unique Expiring Links ⏱️ to selectively share a private markup:
- Start by setting the permission to Private then clicking the Share button
- Create up to 10 unique links with different expiration days/times
- When someone views your expiring link, you will be notified
- When a link expires, the link reverts to private and is no longer visible
- Start with a Blank Canvas 🎨 if you just want to start a simple markup for notes. From markuphero.com/new select the color and then click Blank Canvas. You can also add Blank Pages to markups as well.
- Option to add colored Borders to Inserted Images 🖼️. When an inserted image is selected you can toggle the border on and off, change the color, and change the thickness.
We hope you find these updates useful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at support@markuphero.com