Now 🔗 Add Links 🔗 to you annotations and more!
We’ve pushed out good number of updates that we think you’ll find ✨ useful on Markup Hero ✨.
- Reorder Pages - Drag pages on the right hand nav to reorder pages within you markup.
Add Links - Add URLs to any text box. Then long press or right click on the text box to open the URL(s) in a new tab. Any viewer of the markup can click on the text box and either open the URL(s) in a new tab or even copy all the text to your clipboard.
- Copy Text - Anyone can now simply copy text from your text box annotations. As a markup owner long press or right click on the text box to open the context menu. As a markup viewer simply click on the text box to open the context menu and select Copy Text.
- Cut, Copy & Paste Annotation Objects - Now any annotation object can be cut, copied and pasted easily across markups. Just select the annotation object and use cmd X, cmd C, and cmd V.
- Drag & Drop to Insert Image - Drag and drop any image (JPG, PNG, SVG etc) from your finder into your markup page to insert images.
Let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for using Markup Hero. Happy annotating!